
What is Teledermatology?

Caudill, Kado & Co., Dermatology offers Telederm, a super simple, super convenient, super secure and super fun face to face virtual appointments.
Can’t make it to our office, in a super boring work meeting or just don’t feel like leaving the house?  No problem, you can still see your provider.

How it Works

Call (248) 623-9700 or text (248) 617-4919 to schedule your face to face virtual Telederm appointment. Prior to your appointment, we'll send you a link via email or text. At your appointment time click on the link from either your mobile, tablet or desktop. Your provider will join you, give you a virtual high five or fist bump and you are off and running sort of speak.

Is Telederm right for me?
It is intended for the use of refilling prescriptions, checking a new spot, a rash and managing rosacea or acne.  Telederm will not serve as a replacement for a total body skin check, surgical, medical or cosmetic procedures.
How much does it cost?
Most major insurance companies have increased their telemedicine coverage.  All virtual visits will be submitted to the patient’s insurance carrier.  If your insurance carrier requires a copay, it will be due at the time of appointment. In the unlikely event your insurance does not cover your virtual visit, you will be responsible for a $65 fee.
Can I use Telederm for cosmetic consultations?
Unfortunately this is not possible. Our policy is to never say no and technically we didn't.
The policy goes on to say that we don't say no unless it's what is best for the patient and in this case, an in-person consultation is far superior when it comes to creating a customized cosmetic and anti-aging regimen.